Week 1 My Favorite Place
My Favorite Place
Writing about my favorite place is an odd topic for me because I have yet been able to go and see it in person. Having traveled to almost all of Europe when I was younger because of my father's work, my favorite location is not even among the places I have been. Edo Castle is easily my favorite place and it is easily the one place I would love to visit if I am ever able to go to Japan. Japanese culture and history is something I have deep respect and admiration for and going to Edo Castle in Tokyo is something I have wanted to do for many years.
Edo Castle, Tokyo, Japan Edo Castle
Writing about my favorite place is an odd topic for me because I have yet been able to go and see it in person. Having traveled to almost all of Europe when I was younger because of my father's work, my favorite location is not even among the places I have been. Edo Castle is easily my favorite place and it is easily the one place I would love to visit if I am ever able to go to Japan. Japanese culture and history is something I have deep respect and admiration for and going to Edo Castle in Tokyo is something I have wanted to do for many years.
Edo Castle, Tokyo, Japan Edo Castle
I know exactly what you mean about feeling connected to a place even before you go visit it, Jake! And from what you say here, I am now really hoping you will do a Japan-related project for this class. The Japanese storytelling tradition is so rich and wonderful, and you can find lots of excellent resources online: Freebookapalooza: Japan ... I really did not know much about Japanese story traditions before I started teaching this class, but thanks to all the student projects over the years, I am now a huge fan of Japan and its stories!